
It’s worth pointing out, we are battling plants.

Make no mistake, they don’t like us.

They, the most unfeeling of foes,

have come to the garden to take it.

The garden! you say, Ah ha! the garden!

You think plants have rights in the garden.

You think the garden is because of plants.

I tell you frankly, we alone have rights.

The garden, I say, is in spite of plants,

that would tangle it, thistle it, choke it to death,

overcome its most excellent paving stones,

rot off our very toes for lunch.

It’s a well-known fact, they eat us.

Among plants, I admit, are some good ones,

potatoes, for example. I had some yesterday.

And to show our magnanimity we

have allowed spuds to live with us.

Yet what do they do but invite in their friends,

crabgrass, goutweed, dandelions, you name it,

it’s trying to get in the garden as well

and make life a living hell for our kind.

We must have more concrete ideas.