Bush The First

I remember my choice as Vice President,

not that quailing kid with fearful eyes,

but myself, when I was teamed with The Gipper,

how good I felt about the strength I lent

the team; and soon, I began to realize

that I too would be able whip her,

The United States of America, to the glory

she finally fully deserves. This war on drugs

is not a thing to be taken lightly: I’m furious,

by golly, and we will have victory.

When you get to my stage, you know thugs,

and the way to solve this is be serious.

Now I know that many of you have misgivings

about the use of force, and so on and so forth,

and I’m well aware of American Dead;

believe me, I care and wish they were living,

but this is the point, if there’s any worth

to the life we lead it has to be read

Into efforts like these:

Catch Noriega! Get drugs off the street!

Get on with the thousand points of light!

Get going on the budget deficit! Please!

The environment, neighbors, these things can be beat!

Between us I know we can do what’s right.