Dad’s Diet (Who lived to be 102)

He has taken to bacon, before bed,

my father at 94 minus 4 months.

Healthy as horses on rebuilt knees,

he can still play a game of golf

from a cart,

Is clear in his mind in amazing ways,

like long stories, all to some point,

things in the news, how to build,

(he’s a carpenter),

And in particular, what he likes:

fried eggs and onions and cheese and potato

for breakfast, with toast, jam and instant coffee;

meat and potatoes and fish through the day,

a bowl of soup or 2 when it’s offered,

Abundant peanuts while watching TV,

(although this is after his bedtime snack

of toast and tomato with strong black tea);

And for a crowning touch at this hour,

he has perversely taken to bacon.