Two Women

Almost all I know I learned 

from two good women,

my mother and wife,

one short, the other, tall,

both, however, peaches in all,

Both peaches, and both sages,

peaches and sages, peaches and sages,

agreeable in every imaginable way,

such as color and fragrance,

pink, yellow, olive-green, sage and peachy,

tastes, flavors, looks,

the works.

From my mother I learned good attitudes:

calm, slow, deliberate, ridiculous,

lunatically funny and kind.

From my Mrs., I learned the ways of the world,

nature, information, science, 

how to find my way down the road,

especially to the bank.

I miss them now that I’m on my own,

comfortable, as they would have wished,

trying to make sense of everything past.

Is it possible I make things up?