Some Of My Friends Are Zionists


Some of my various friends are Zionists.

Perhaps I should say, Zionist People.

(We must never forget, they are people,

although they forget that of others.)

I play with these people frequently,

tennis, and afterward go for a drink.

The games are close and we are close.

We love each other and clink glasses.

There’s no point in being upset with each other

over world views that are disparate.

We were brought up to feel and act as we do:

some of us, fairly, egalitarian; 

others in favor of ethnic cleansing.


What profit ethit* a man if he get 

in a pissing match with a Zionist

and come away feeling excoriated,

or alternatively, victorious, especially 

when each know what each thought?

In truth, not at all,

nor the world. Neither.

Love alone may persuade.


*A semi-meaningful word created by the unusual agglomeration of letters

 and elimination or introduction of spaces, the intended effect of which is to promote satori.