Listening Years Ago

We were listening to Elf Elefson

and the Santa Claus Symphony Orchestra,

conducted by Old Saint Nick Himself,

just back from deliveries on the 25th—

my wife and I, at home by the fire,

coming through unsurpassable speakers,

as we sipped cognac in semi-darkness.

Elf was on his game that day,

playing a piccolo, or trombone,

it wasn’t strings, or was it? Perhaps.

If so, a viola, or background cello,

murmuring something so utterly essential,

however indistinct, you loved it.

Nothing better had ever happened

and you thanked God there were no words.

They were doing a dirge by Scrooge,

I believe, or maybe some sibilant scherzo.

It doesn't matter, you could feel their relief

in being back home at The North Pole,

putting out one final gift for the day,

everyone a little saddle-sore

but glad to be making music.

What a treasure it is!