God In The Americas

He came over somewhat reluctantly,

being famous for problems there,

Yahweh, perceived as a Mean Prick

and frivolous, Samson’s hair

being a prime example.

But there was a lot of other shit too.

His luck continued from rotten to worse,

with a team called Conquistadors,

whose quest for gold had them, in His name,

pull the natives apart using four

horses, right in their public squares.

It wasn't just them, but their English cousins,

and the French and the Portuguese,

who enslaved and murdered, conscripted, raped

and infected with disease,

such as Smallpox and extraordinary Greed.

He felt so bad He might have gone back

and cursed them at home with war,

but He realized He could do that as well

as get even here, and more,

providing what we inherit today.


I got up in the middle of the night to write this and it seemed interesting then; less so now.